Idea Generator

We can often get into a place where we can't see the wood for the trees when it comes to our business

You can have loads of ideas for creating courses, programmes, lead magnets, masterclasses, and power hours but actually deciding can be a bit of a challenge

Which is why I'm offering the Idea Generator where in 30 minutes we will nail your idea down!  

You'll leave the session with greater focus and clarity, knowing the next steps you need to take 

Here's what others have said about these sessions:

Meeting Emma in real life after 8 years was a real treat. Having the Ideas Generation Session over coffee was the icing on the cake. Emma is incredibly passionate about pulling ideas together and knows her stuff about creating a beautiful business. Our time was mainly pulling together the framework for my business and getting a deep understanding of my ideal client. Thanks Emma, you have helped me to get clarity on the foundations I need in place to generate further ideas for an awesome lead magnet. That lead magnet is now marinading.

Just had an amazing session with Emma! I'd been struggling on an area of my business, my £99 offer for a while now. I knew it was too broad and that people wouldn't really see the benefit. With Emma's help we explored my business, what I do and how I help people and wow! Together we came up with an amazing £99 offer which I know will really help employees get a better work life balance and time back in their week. So excited to get this up and running and share it with my audience. Thanks again Emma! You're fabulous - highly recommended.

Wow. I recently took Emma up on one of her Power Hour to help with planning an online course. It was brilliant. She quickly got to the bottom of what I was trying to achieve and came up with some great ideas to help me do that. I really struggle with the technology side of things and that's what I wanted to focus on. Emma has a great understanding of these matters, but even more importantly, she is able to explain them to people like me. Haha. She showed me some simple and easy to use solutions to my problems and showed be how to get the most of them. All of this on a recorded zoom call that I have already re visited on several occasions and a follow up email filled with links to solutions and ideas. Worth way more than the £99 (price has changed) she charges because I am finally taking action on something that I has been on my to do list for far too long. So if an online course has been on your list for too long then get in touch with Emma

Would I recommend Emma? Yes, absolutely! I had become a bit stuck creating an online coaching offering in addition to the face to face work I am doing and had a one hour clarity consultation video call with Emma who clearly knows her stuff. The call was packed full of value, Emma listened, asked great questions and offered me some fantastic suggestions and advice which has helped me gain greater clarity and understanding of what I need to do next. As a result, I have come away lots of ideas as well as some specific next steps so I can stop procrastinating, take action and start making my online service take shape. Exciting!!

And all you need to do is book in to my diary (it's as simple as that!)

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